How would you rate your overall experience within the Art Handling Apprenticeship?
5 - Excellent
4 - Good
3 - Okay
2 - Poor
1 - Very poor
5 - Great improvement
4 - Fine improvement
3 - Slight improvement
2 - Barely improved
1 - Did not improve
Tool knowledge
5 - Great improvement
4 - Fine improvement
3 - Slight improvement
2 - Barely improved
1 - Did not improve
Hardware knowledge
5 - Great improvement
4 - Fine improvement
3 - Slight improvement
2 - Barely improved
1 - Did not improve
Understanding how to hang on different wall materials
5 - Great improvement
4 - Fine improvement
3 - Slight improvement
2 - Barely improved
1 - Did not improve
Understanding hanging heights and positions
5 - Great improvement
4 - Fine improvement
3 - Slight improvement
2 - Barely improved
1 - Did not improve
Understanding environmental factors to consider when handling and hanging art
5 - Great improvement
4 - Fine improvement
3 - Slight improvement
2 - Barely improved
1 - Did not improve
Working on different types of sites (institution, corporate, gallery)
5 - Great improvement
4 - Fine improvement
3 - Slight improvement
2 - Barely improved
1 - Did not improve
Moving artwork
5 - Great improvement
4 - Fine improvement
3 - Slight improvement
2 - Barely improved
1 - Did not improve
Do you feel like your experience expanded your abilities as a working artist or arts professional?
Are you more comfortable knowing how to structure or charge a potential client for install services?
About the same
Was there any time during the program that most increased your confidence (as a professional, an art handler, a team player)?
Group site visits
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Fine
2 Mediocre
1 Unsatisfactory
Preliminary tool training opportunity
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Fine
2 Mediocre
1 Unsatisfactory
Guidance on site
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Fine
2 Mediocre
1 Unsatisfactory
Variety in artwork to install
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Fine
2 Mediocre
1 Unsatisfactory
Variety in job site opportunities
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Fine
2 Mediocre
1 Unsatisfactory
Individual guidance on site
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Fine
2 Mediocre
1 Unsatisfactory
Payment schedule or promptness
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Fine
2 Mediocre
1 Unsatisfactory
Scheduling of jobs
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Fine
2 Mediocre
1 Unsatisfactory
Are there other elements that you’d like to see added in to the program?
Are there specific improvements you’d suggest?
Is there anything you were expecting or would like to learn that didn’t happen?
Please consider sharing a testimonial for the program here: